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What does the tzitzit symbolize?

Each tassel has eight threads (when doubled over) and five sets of knots, totaling 13. The sum of all numbers is 613, traditionally the number of commandments in the Torah. This reflects the concept that donning a garment with tzitzit reminds its wearer of all Torah commandments, as specified in Numbers 15:39.

"Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners.    - "And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of YEHOVAH and do them, and that you [may] not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined,
 "and that you may remember and do all My commandments and be holy for your Elohim.  So that is the commandment. That is what we are told to obey. And most people do not even realize that this commandment even exists in the Scripture. But it is there

Rese i Tzitzit   



Brojevi 15:38 - "Kaži sinovima Izraelovim: Reci im da naprave rese na uglovima svojih haljina od koljena do koljena i da stave plavi konac u rese na uglovima.


  1. – “I imat ćeš kićanku, da je možeš gledati i sjećati se svih zapovijedi GOSPODOVIH i vršiti ih, i da ne slijediš bludnicu kojoj su tvoje vlastito srce i tvoje vlastite oči sklone,


  1. - "i da se sjećaš i vršiš sve Moje zapovijedi i da budeš svet za svog Elohima.

Dakle, to je zapovijed. To je ono što nam je rečeno da se pokoravamo. A većina ljudi uopće ne shvaća da ova zapovijed uopće postoji u Svetom pismu. Ali postoji.




Sada neki ljudi vjeruju da je ova određena zapovijed sada poništena ili ukinuta ili ukinuta; ne moramo to više činiti jer sada imamo Duha Svetoga da nas podsjeća na zapovijedi i ne trebamo nizove da nas podsjećaju na zapovijedi. Ali pogledajmo nakratko njihovo razmišljanje. Ješua je rekao:


Ivan 14:26 - "Ali Pomoćnik, Duh Sveti, kojega će Otac poslati u moje ime, On će vas naučiti svemu i podsjetiti vas na sve što sam vam rekao. Tako vjeruju oni koji smatraju ovo kao da je ukinuto, da je Duh Sveti sada ono što nam je Jehova dao da se prisjetimo stvari koje nam je rečeno da radimo. Ali moramo biti oprezni s korištenjem ljudskog razmišljanja da izbrišemo ili ukinemo Jehovine zapovijedi. Moramo budi jako oprezan s tim.

Samo zato što je Duh Sveti sposoban prisjetiti se Jehovine Riječi ne znači da više nećemo imati nikakve podsjetnike o Jehovinoj Riječi i da Duh Sveti sve zamjenjuje. Jer istina je da imamo svakakve podsjetnike u Svetom pismu.

Tizitiz  The wearing of tzitzit, is a constant reminder and an awareness to others of our obedience to God's commands. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Exodus 12:49


 The knots on the tzitzit represent six hundred and thirteen commandments. Some are for men, women, children, Priests, and the temple  Numbers 15:39.

The White Cords Every time you look up and see white clouds you are to remember to be holy just as He is Holy, you are to refuse to practice sinning  God only gives His Spirit to those who refuse to practice sinning and obey His commandments. 1 Peter 1:16 1 John 3:4T

The Blue cord reminds us of the ocean, sky, and God's throne. It also reminds us of our personal relationship with God. blue is the color of God's Glory.

The Chain represents bondage to sin,  The Spirit first convicts people of their sin, bringing to mind God's standards and leading them to repentance. God restrains sin through conscience


Yeshua wore the tizitzit as of obediently to God's commands.

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